Holy Rosary Catholic School is dedicated to the faith formation of our children. Read below to explore the activities we do to help our students reach their God-given potential.
At Holy Rosary prayer is a natural part of our day and is integrated into the daily activities of our school. For example, each morning we begin our day in prayer, we give thanks to God before meals, and we have a daily religion lesson as part of classroom instruction. K-6 grade students attend Mass once a week and pray the Rosary (or Stations of the Cross during Lent) once a month.
Four times a year students who have received their First Reconciliation have the opportunity to go to confession as part of the school day. Please help your child make a good confession by guiding them through an examination of conscience and role-playing the steps of confession that can be found in this guide.
All 4-6th grade students who have received their First Holy Communion are encouraged to help glorify God by sharing their time and talent through altar serving at weekend Mass and Wednesday morning Masses during the school year. Training is held periodically by the parish server coordinator.
Corporal Works of Mercy Projects
At Holy Rosary, we strive to develop well-rounded students that will contribute to the strength and intelligence of our community both before they graduate and after. For example, in addition to being given challenging curriculum, each month one grade level takes a turn leading a school-wide service project based on the 7 corporal works of mercy: feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead.We begin each Advent and Lent with a school-wide retreat to reflect on the purpose of the season. Each year the second grade class performs an Advent skit and the fifth graders perform a live Stations of the Cross. We celebrate major liturgical feast days throughout the year and hold special formation events periodically.